Episode 124 – Super Dokkan Adventure Zones

This time, Chris and Andy are left to their own devices as Stan and Ryan are trapped in the Ghost Dimension! Nevertheless, our heroes pod on! Join our heroes as they plot out a new series of Star Wars anthology films and resolve to upend all of Star Wars canon, discover why you should stop everything you are doing and listen to the amazing DND podcast – The Adventure Zone, reminiscence about how we actually liked the Spider-Man Clone Saga back in the day, and how epic AF Andy’s Dragon Ball dream team is on the mobile game Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle.

Episode 118 – Super Warhammer 40K Pals

Stan and Ryan were away but join Andy and Chris as they muse about the Internet chatter about Drake Bell as a potential Robin in the DCEU, the creation of a brand new character in our ongoing canon of The Rang, another exciting segment of OverwatchWatch 2017, Chris’ and Andy’ newfound fascination into 8th Edition of Warhammer 40K, and more excitable debates about the Dragon Ball series!

Dragon Chat 6 – …Hope?

Dragon Chat Episode 6 is live!

On this episode, Chris got his hands on Dragon Ball Fusions for 3DS and gives his impressions – is it worth your time?

Also, we discuss episode 66 and 67 of Dragon Ball Super, THAT ending to the Future Trunks arc, and the arc as a whole. What did we think of it, and where do we see Dragon Ball Super going next? Take a listen and find out!

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